St Bridget's Montessori


Montessori – M12. The class at the end of the passageway. A time in my life where worries were non-existent, fun was guaranteed and my favourite pastime was talking to the tortoises in the school garden or sharing my future bestie’s sister’s noodles.Washing our hands properly before learning to count with red and blue blocks, is an activity that has proved to be extremely fruitful in today’s tumultuous times. The magic of learning, thanks to the best teachers and Sr. Theresita, has continuously inspired me.
Acushla Wijesinha (M12, Jan 2000 – Dec 2002)
Master of Communications and Media Studies
Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences
ATCL (Speech & Drama)
Classroom M5 at the end of the road, A room full of memory that a young Tarzan explored, Cages were opened and a zoo was set free, The thrills that I miss from my old Montessori…
Ranoukh B. Wijesinha (M5, Jan 2005– Dec 2007)
My Grandmother walked me to Montessori, in 1974. Montessori set the foundation for Language, teaching and I met some of my closest friends to date, then. In 2000 January Grandma walked my daughter, her Great Granddaughter to the same Montessori; in 2005 she walked her Great Grandson and entered him. The Good Shepherd Nuns greeted us warmly each time. All was well, the fourth generation was now safely on a firm footing. Nothing could prepare us better for life than the AMI Montessori method, in the care of Good Shepherd Nuns.
Sharika Jayewardene (1974 – 1977)
BA (Hons) English & Classics; ATCL (Teaching - Lond).
Although we spend only a few years in Montessori, it's amazing how many memories I can still recollect: the feel of the mat-slide on a hot day, the smell of lunchtime in the classroom and queuing up to wash our hands outside before the interval. I will always have fond memories of my years there, the lifelong friendships created within those walls and an abundance of gratitude to my teachers who set a solid tone to the rest of my school life.
TehaniTissera (M12, Jan 1998 – Dec 2000)
LLM, LLB, LTCL (Piano), LRSM (Piano), ATCL (Violin), ATCL (Speech&Drama)
I got down from my mother’s hands - waved goodbye and didn’t look back. Not a cry, just a happy little kid with her bottle around her neck and a handkerchief pinned to her dress making her way down to classroom M11.
I forever remember my Montessori days with the fondest of memories of the friends made, the birthday cakes cut,the smell of butter in the air during lunchtime and above all,the wonderful teachers who I hold dear to me to this day. Memories that will never fade.
Amarsha Tissera(M11, Jan 2000 – Dec 2002)
As a past pupil of St Bridget's Montessori since the day I was enlisted to start a new chapter in my life at St Bridget's Montessori, and up until my departure I gained various values of life and enhanced my knowledge on standards and etiquette I should enroll inmy life. I had wonderful experiences developing social skills and making new friends as a toddler who had just begun the ascend to social acceptance. Overall, I cherished my stay at St Bridget's Montessori. I gained many values and long-lasting memories that I would always keep in my gallery.
Minura Silva (2009 – 2011)
It is my honor to have been a past pupil of St. Bridget's Montessori and the mother of three past pupils Dinura (2006 – 2008), Minura (2009 – 2011) and Sanura (2012 – 2014). I can wholeheartedly say that it has been an extremely valuable experience for both me and my sons, allowing us a foundation that has proved invaluable in our lives. I sincerely admit that the success story of my life started with the solid foundation laid by the St. Bridget's Montessori.
Samanthi Silva (1971 – 1974)
St Bridget’s Montessori is a place where I gained happy, and most of all a place that I can call home. Most of my happy memories of my childhood were made there. I still remember how I was treated and loved when I went to my class which was M11 and it is a place that I believe anyone would feel safe and respected. The teachers at St Bridget’s make learning fun. I still remember my last day at St Bridget’s, it was so sad to leave such a warm place where love, kindness and protection were in plenty.
Master Dewvin Perera
Grade 8
St. Joseph’s College, Col 10.
My name is Sarika Goonetilleke, I was a passed pupil of St.Bridget’s convent Montessori. I joined back in 2009 and to this day I tell everyone about how much fun the playground was. Aunty Nilmini was my class teacher and Sister Remona was the principle, they are one of the kindest, most caring people I know and they took such good care of everyone. My sister, Ayanna was also very fortunate to be in Aunty Nilmini’s class, very morning she used to be so excited to go to school. My experience at the Montessori was amazing and I would take any opportunity to go back in time and relive those wonderful 3 years.
My life at St. Bridget’s Montessori began at the age of 2 years and 3 months. Entering to the Montessori was a totally novel experience since most of my childhood time was spent with my loved once at home. Looking back I realize how St. Bridget’s Montessori has helped in molding me to be the person I am today. Character education effects the social and academic development of people. I firmly believe that the most significant and valuable lessons in life were taught at the Montessori. Basic rules such as , share, clean up your own mess, put the things back where you found them are some key principles which was taught to me at the Montessori. This intern has helped me in inculcating the same values to my children. The Montessori not only taught me core principles but also strongly emphasized the importance and continually worked towards instilling the importance of being a God fearing child from the younger age. I am humbly proud to be a part of this wonderful establishment and wish the school all success in its journey of enriching little children.
Imasha Amara Arachchi
Years are numbered
Months are numbered
Weeks are numbered
Days are numbered
Hours are numbered
Minutes are numbered
We were still in the queue….
And finally that significant moment arrived at Rev.Sr. Principal’s office at St. Bridget’s Montessori School, Colombo 07 and collected our application with lots of love, gratitude and respect.

Children are born with the ability to produce variety of emotions and it is the Montessori that created the atmosphere for our children to know how to name them, interpret them and manage them under the given multiple circumstances with the tag of emotional intelligence. Our children were blessed to have a child - centered education based on spiritual and professional background. It is with great sense of appreciation and gratitude, we wish to mention that our children had real-world, hands-on experience and application even for them to learn a new skill with the facilities provided.

"​What the hand does, the mind remembers." – Dr. Maria Montessori

Having realized the mentality of the child and how their brain functions at the given circumstances that the St.Bridget’s Montessori School provided a platform to have a lifelong learning models by developing personality types of the child with the modern techniques to absorb learning from the environment naturally and spontaneously based on basic Montessori principles where child learns to observe, realize and practice them as a behavioral pattern in a worthy manner.

I am absolutely confident and I have no hesitation in recommending St. Bridget’s Montessori School, Colombo 07.
Dr.Prasanna Wijesinghe
Ph.D (Father of Mayrangel Wijesinghe - 2014 & Amayngel Wijesinghe - 2016 )
The Montessori was my first playground and first place of learning. At the age of two in 2011, it was a totally new experience. Everyone was loving and caring and made us feel welcome and at ease.

Having been quite a demanding child at the beginning Aunty and Sister trained me to be independent and do things by myself. It was an enjoyable 3 years, were we had fun whilst doing our “Work”, looked forward to the Singing with Aunty Gilmari and loved the Garden time. We were thought to do our work neat and tidily, complete it within the allocated time and keep everything back methodically. The discipline and independence with a strong link to religion has today helped me focus on studies and excel at tennis.The Montessori laid a foundation for a strong personality andhelped me to be who I am today.

I am so grateful to everyone at the St. Bridget’sMontessori who guided my younger brother Ashendra (who followed my footsteps into the St. Bridget’s Montessori)and my self during our formative years.
Dinara de Silva
St Bridget’s Convent
I joined St. Bridget’s Montessori in the year 2005 when I was 2 and a half years old. From there on until 2007 I was under the loving care of Aunty Jacintha. Though most kids disliked going to school, I really loved Montessori.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the word “Montessori” is the playground. My friends and I spent a lot of time there enjoying and having fun. Through the playground fence what we could see was the primary school which we called “big school” and the only thing we ever dreamt of was being able to go to big school.

I also enjoyed the time I spent with my friends in the classroom. We learnt to read, write, count, sing and dance. It was a really friendly environment to grow up in. Also, we were taught to clean up our own mess if we made one. I remember spilling a tin of grains and having to clean it up. And we had to walk in a line wherever we went. We also had to take turns to pour water, wipe hands and make sure that the whole class had washed their hands before we ate. Little things like this have taught us to be responsible, independent and also how to work together.

Never did I realize that these simple lessons I learnt and also the scoldings I received for all the mischief I put up with during my childhood, would carry such a large amount of weight in the character I hold today.
The St Bridget’s Montessori method nurtures order, coordination, concentration and independence in a child from the moment they enter the classroom.

In a child centered classroom where learning activities are presented individually to children, students’ progress at their own pace under watchful and caring eye of the lovely teachers, staff and Rev. Sister Principal.

We feel so fortunate to have been able to be a part of the St Bridget’s Montessori family. Today our daughter Ashielle has blossomed into a thoughtful, caring girl, always smiling, loves helping other children at school and outside. The skills she has acquired over the years at Montessori will certainly be excellent building blocks for future success both academically, socially and emotionally.

Our warmest greetings to the St Bridget’s Montessori School as you celebrate your 75th Anniversary.
Dilshani & Nimesh Perera (M 11 - 2015 – 2017) Parents of Ashilelle Perera.
Having two kids complete their early education from St.Bridget’s Convent Montessori, my experience of this school has been beyond expectations. Not only have my daughters received the love and care they needed outside the home environment, but the curriculum has enabled them to excel in their school career. Today I see both my children are confident, independent, and respectful little ladies who loves to learn.
Mother of Hiruni Marapana & Tarini Marapana
It is with great pride that I pen these few lines when the Montessori of St Bridget's Convent is celebrating its special milestone of 75 years.

The Montessori of my Alma Mater has played a key role in shaping the personality of not only mine, but my three children as well. We are all proud Montessorians of this prestigious school.

I don't precisely reminisce how I was taught the basics in life at my Montessori, but I experienced this well with my children. It was indeed a journey full of pleasant and fond memories. The meticulous and simple ways of learning the basics, and the skills taught to be independent in life,(I emphasize- independent) have laid the foundation for all of us to excel well.

My son who is 23 years of age is an Actuary attached to Ceylinco life Insurance as an Assistant manager. He excelled well in his studies as well as extra - curricular activities while at St Benedict's College and served as the Head Prefect of the college in 2015.My daughter is sitting for her Advanced level examination in the Maths stream this year, was the Deputy Head Prefect in 2020 and the President of the Interact club in 2019. My youngest son who finished his Montessori years just last year, displayed the image of the AMI Montessori method at the admission test to Grade One at Royal College with great pride and dignity.

Last but not least the discipline and ethics which were inculcated in all of us through the years at our Montessori made us to achieve the pinnacle in life as at today.

I together with my children, wish our Montessori a blessed journey in moulding many more productive citizens to the society.
Stepping stones to my Bridgeteen life

I consider my self blessed and I thank god almighty for giving me the opportunity to join the best catholic school in the Island, Montessori of St. Bridget’s convent, which was the 1st steps I took without my parents out of home, even if it was for a few hours of a day. I still remember how I looked forward to going to school every day with new and fun filled adventures prepared by our loving teacher at M4. I’m sure if u ask a person to list the best things in the Montessori you could write a book as big as a bible but a few things me and my friends always looked forward to was the red mat slide, the trip on the double decker bus and the concert which we practiced with so much of enthusiasm. Even now when we pass the Montessori in the morning, it feels like only yesterday that I went to Montessori when I ask my brother he also felt the same way.

As they celebrate 75 years of service to our nation I hope and pray that this house of children would create many more happy memories to little children in the years to come as it has done to me.
Marisha Pelpola
Montessori Batch of 2008 – 2010
Firstly, we would like to convey our heartiest wishes on the 75th Anniversary of the St. Bridget’s Montessori.

Being parents of two children who were engaged with the Montessori since year 2016 – 2019, we would be thankful to Rev. Sr. Principal, all the Teachers, especially the teachers of M-11 and M-4 for making the Montessori life such a wonderful experience to our children. At present, we do not need to go behind or push them on work. Because of the strong foundation you have laid on our children , they know to work on their own only with a mere guidance. Not only their academic lives, even the spiritual lives too were strengthened via this institution. They have started a journey with Jesus. Thanks to your assistance and guidance.

We wish the good Lord’s abundant blessings will be showered upon this Montessori to nourish the lives of many children in years to come
Parents of Manul & Milena
It was such a long time ago, but I do not understand why the memory deep down at the bottom of my mind is still so clear; time had hardly washed it away. I don’t know if other people think about their Montessori lives, but for me, it was so special and unforgettable. It has already been 16 years since I was in Montessori but I will always cherish the moments and memories of fighting over Montessori materials, food and even colour pencils. Far more than the basic education given to us by my aunty, my friends and even my cousins walked out of our dear Montessori with lifelong friendships and values to grow into what we are today in society. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share my experience in celebration of the 75th Jubilee of St. Bridget’s Convent Montessori.
Salindi Ranasinghe
Montessori Past Pupil (2003-05)
It’s with greatest pleasure that I recall and write my first hand experience as a parent of St Bridget’s Montessori.

In late 2003 when our daughter Charindi turned 2, we took her for the interview to admit her to St. Bridget’s Montessori. I recall her being very interested in the surroundings as the place was beautiful and well organised. Without any hesitation Charindi left us and went with a teacher (‘aunty‘) to a class where she was interviewed. Charindi looked quite at ease and came back to us with a big smile when it was over. She felt at home on that day itself and I’m sure it’s due to the Rev. Sister and the teachers ability in handling kids of that age. They were professional, approachable and kind hearted.

First few weeks in 2004, she refused to learn anything and wanted to go home. ‘Aunty' was very patient with her and discovered she loves ‘music' and like to do different activities. Then onwards Charindi was one joyful kid happy to go to school everyday. We are from a Military family and it was a time the civil war was at its peak; I remember they took extra care and precautions and safety measures for all the kids and inquired specially about our well-being as we were directly impacted. It was a solace to have their care and kindness at that time.

Every term for three years a progress report was given with observations about her. When I read it now, I see how well she has been observed and guided. There were various activities she took part in the Montessori that transformed her in becoming a knowledgeable, God fearing, well behaved kind hearted girl. Her progress was steady and she became a holistic child at the end of the three years, physically, mentally, socially and spirituality developed. During this time, when she was just 2+ she won a talent competition at a foreign bank and also at the Pizza Pooch club competing with kids above her age. I’m sure, the confidence built in her by the teachers helped her get on stage and perform without any hesitation. The Christian values inculcated in her at the Montessori is evident even today, a successful teenager, waiting to enter University.

Our Son Chenitha was also fortunate to start his education at St. Bridget’s Montessori in year 2011. Aunty Nilmini Fernando, Charindi’s teacher became Chenithas teacher too. Both kids are totally different to each other in their ways and I saw how well they both were trained to bring out the best in them. A natural kind hearted and calm boy, he was selected to be St. Joseph at the year end Nativity play. I recall Rev Sr. Ramona telling me how joyful it was to watch him in the role. He came out of the Montessori as a well mannered little gentleman ready to step in to College. He turned a teenager this year excelling in Academics Sports Speech & Drama and also involved in church Religious Activities. One of his teachers said to me, without hesitation he is a role model for teenagers today.

All their achievements and who they are today is due to the strong foundation St. Bridget’s Montessori laid in them and we are forever grateful
Mother of Charindi and Chenitha Kumarasinghe
Stepped in long ago with tiny feet, continued to walk on the familiar paths and as a mother led another pair of tiny feet along its corridors …

Of course, it is the “St. Bridget’s Montessori House of Children”.

The first and the strongest pillar of ours and our children’s education and grooming.

With the worldwide recognized AMI early childhood development method, a very well experienced staff and most importantly an impressive Catholic background our montessori stands tall in town as always and shall continue.

The little flowers are molded and guided to bloom out in their academic and social life.

As a past pupil and a mother, it is with much prestige that I write this testimony and wish continued success to the journey of the Montessori House of Children of St. Bridget’s Convent as it celebrates its 75th anniversary of excellence.
I still remember the first day I went to Montessori as a little girl.

I used to love going to the Montessori to do the activities and to play with my friends. I now realize how activities such as holding the pencil, sandpaper letters, sweeping and moping have helped me to be the person who I am now.

I am amazed how the aunties taught me patiently and with love. I am always grateful for Sr. Principal and all the aunties specially Aunty Nilmini for giving me the proper foundation to start my early childhood.

I will always cherish the lovely memories I had at St. Bridget’s Montessori.
Oneli De Silva
Grade 6
Montessori student 2013 – 2015
A daughter is a blessing.
She is to be moulded carefully by a loving hand.
Dear SBC Montessori, you set the example of the nature of a human being she should grow to be.
You set the example of kindness and compassion towards others.
You set the childfree and allow them to be themselves.
During the three years, you ensure that our children grow in their optimal skills while putting the core values of life in their early stages.
Your teaching focuses on how to improve and put out the best of every child. You paid attention to the child’s character, behaviour, ethics and morality as well.
You had a good understanding of each child’s way of learning, and parents were guided individually on how to improve the child’s behaviour along the way to know the progress of the child.
Truly you moulded every important aspect of her life, which most importantly made her a HAPPY CHILD.
Thank You. May God bless you.
Mother of Sydelle De S. Gunasekera 2016 – 2018
Being a past Bridgetine my self I always wanted my two daughters to commence their education at St. Bridget’s Montessori where they would not only receive a good education but also be nurtured to be good citizens.

The love and care given by the Aunties who are the backbone of the Montessori has always made my kids feel at home. The remarkable minor staff has given a sense of assurance that our kids were in safe hands while they were at the Montessori.

They not only learned subject content but also valuable life lessons such as love, forgiveness, sharing, taking care of their siblings, respecting their elders and many more.

My experience with the Montessori for over a decade has shown the way in which they have continued to improve the ways of molding young minds not only with knowledge but also with vital life skills. The reconstruction of the building has brought about a new light and look to the Montessori building which has been commendable.

I consider myself blessed for been able to nurture the early childhood of my kids at this homely environment. I wish success and the very best of luck to everyone who contributes towards up lifting the standards of this renowned institution as they continue to enlighten young minds.
Being a 3rd generation Montessori student (both on my mothers and fathers side!) and with a family of sibling,aunts, uncles, cousins, and nieces who have been there , I have seen it blossom over many years and stand tall in the pre-school educational arena in Sri Lanka.

My most treasured memory is the kind smile, warm hug and soft voice ofAunty saying ‘Goodmoorning, Hafsa!’ and ‘God Bless!’ at the beginning and end of every day.Exposure to this kindness has made me who I am.

I am deeply indebted to these formative years which make me visit or think about all my Montessori aunties and the Montessori on every teacher’s day with fondness.

I wish this institution continues to expose young minds to as many wonderful Aunties as possible way in to the futureand bringthem joy and happiness which I was fortunate to have.
On this 75th anniversary celebration of St. Bridget's Convent Montessori, I'm privileged to be able to pen a few words in honour of the occasion. As a product of the Montessori myself, also a past pupil of St. Bridget's Convent and having followed the AMI teaching course I have experienced firsthand the strength of the foundation established in eager, young minds with the precious understanding that within those walls there are doctors, lawyers, teachers and everything in between being created, to go out into world and achieve great things. It has made me who I am today and I have no doubt it will continue to mold many others for many more years to come. All the best! Wave the Green and White forever!
Raneesha De Silva
I, presently a member of the staff of my alma mater St. Bridget's Convent, first stepped into SBC Montessori to begin my life. I'm a talented teacher today because of this montessori education system, which identifies and brings out the hidden skills in children in their tender age. Both my children too began their school life here in this same montessori. I see many human values which are rare in today’s society such as self-discipline, empathy and compassion cultivated in them which makes me feel a proud mother. As a teacher I see a great change in the behavioural pattern of children who have undergone Montessori training at our own montessori. We know that every child is unique, guiding the correctly and lovingly at an early age nurtures and enhances order concentration and independence. In brief, students here are a part of a close caring community outside home and are supported to become active seekers of knowledge and enjoy freedom within limits from inception.
"From the day of joining St. Bridget's Montessori, Our daughter was excited every morning, going to school and learn new things each day. We believe the atmosphere and learning environment of the Montessori gave her an incredible foundation for her life. Also, we are truly delighted with how our daughter was embraced, nurtured, and supported by the principal, teachers, and staff. "

Best Regards,
Madonna and Oshala
Parents of Thimendri
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